Peanut Butter & Acai Berry Rooibos - It's Tea


Peanut Butter Acai Cream Rooibos is based on the popular sandwich combo, peanut butter and jelly, originating in the US, popular with children and adults alike. This caffeine free Rooibos blend uses fruity acai berry cubes and creamy nutty peanut butter not and puts them together in one cup where the sweet and savoury contrast each other delightfully.

We recommend trying this if you like indulgent and fun flavours!

Allergy information : contains milk

Contains: Rooibos tea, apple pieces, flavouring, cream-caramel pieces (sweetened condensed skimmed milk), acai cubes, sweet blackberry leaves, mallow blossoms, freeze-dried yoghurt granules (skimmed milk yoghurt)

Brewing temperature: 95c

Brewing time: 4 – 5 minutes


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